

Events News 22 December 2020

L’Unicorno Isterico ?

Writen by odc-admin

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A new adventure has begun and its name is Unicorno Isterico ?!
We updated our youtube channel with a multi-themed heading. The goal? Concreteness and no fluff.

How much does an app cost? I have an idea, can you help me develop it? I have a startup but no money to invest, what can I do? Is it better to have an app and a web app? What’s the difference between a hybrid and a native app? Do you develop apps for Huawei? Do you think I should develop my app on only one platform?

The questions we are asked every day are many, the examples we gave you are just the most frequent ones. The truth is that our job, the market, the times we live in, forced us to have a 360° background in the digital world. More and more often, in fact, the people who come to us don’t only need a technological help to develop the software, nowadays our customers need someone who can support them and be by their side in a journey that is not just purely technologic, but it goes through the establishment of a business activity, to refining the initial idea with well-defined processes, finding financing funds, designing the branding and integrating the software in their systems and processes.

Theunicorno isterico is born with the intent to provide support to whoever, out of necessity, vocation or entrepreneurial drive, find themselves interacting with the digital world.In this column we will in fact address many different aspects that still travel in the same direction and have the same goal, train future entrepreneurs, inform companies, warn you about possible problems and scams in order to build a healthy, balanced and profitable relationship with digital tools.

Why did we call it “Unicorno Isterico”? We explain it in this first video where we introduce the project! Watch it now!

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